The Science

The Integrator

You have this amazing thing called a nervous system made of your brain, spinal cord and nerves.  It is the most important part of your body since it has to process everything that happens in your life. Think of it like the operating system of your computer. You were born with the newest, most powerful version available. Every time you have encountered a stress in your life that was too much for you to process, it is like a program gets opened and starts running in the background. Since we encounter more stress each month than our ancestors did in their entire lifetime, we accumulate a lot of programs. This makes your CNS much less efficient so you can’t reach your potential in your job, your health or any part of your life. What if there was a way we could start to shut off these programs on a regular basis? There is and it’s called an Upgrade.

The upgrade


We first check your specific stress pattern using a simple reflex test. Then, using an FDA regulated device called the Integrator, the doctor delivers a gentle tap to a specific stress point near your spine. Each tap, shuts off the unnecessary programs running in your nervous system helping it run much more efficiently. This translates to higher potential in every area of your life. It is so safe, it is regularly used on babies.

How it works


Your central nervous system runs on tiny electrical signals that travel in the form of waves, In a state of well-being it sends signals at a speed or frequency of 5hz. When we enter a state of stress, some of the waves speed up to 64hz. The Integrator is tuned to match this frequency which cancels out these waves and turns them off much like when an opera singer matches the resonance of a wine glass, it shatters. This restores the brain to its optimal state of well-being where you start to experience rapid self growth both personally and professionally.